Handwriting Instruction and Remediation: Practical Implications for Today’s Pediatric Occupational Therapy Practitioner 

A Self-Paced Course

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Handwriting Instruction and Remediation: Practical Implications for Today’s Pediatric Occupational Therapy Practitioner

Self-Paced Course
2 Contact Hours, 0.20 CEUs

Educational level: Introductory

Category 1: Occupational Therapy Service Delivery

If you need assistance or accommodations, please contact us at
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In the past 25 years, tremendous changes have affected early education students in kindergarten through 2nd grade. Chief among these is the increase in academic expectations at younger ages, the explosion in technology, and the marked increase in students who are on the spectrum, students with attentional issues, and students with dysgraphia. The most common handwriting programs available today, developed in the late 1890s through the mid-1970s, fall short in this new era, leaving pediatric OT practitioners with less effective tools in their handwriting toolbox.

This introductory occupational therapy continuing education course addresses these academic, classroom, and student changes head on.

After taking this course, pediatric OT practitioners will understand the theoretical foundation for a new approach to handwriting instruction and remediation and will be armed with a new set of practical handwriting tools for present day therapeutic environments.

This professional development activity is targeted at occupational therapy assistants and occupational therapists.

This CE course uses the following instructional methods: visual aides (ie slides), discussion board, guided note taking, and learning.

Content disclosure: This course does not exclusively focus on any specific product or service.

Presented by:
Martha Garrett Theisen, MA, OTR/L
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Benefits of this course
After completing this occupational therapy continuing education course, participants will be able to:
  • Describe environmental and student factors negatively affecting successful handwriting acquisition and remediation today.

  • Explain the occupational therapy and academic foundational principles related to successful handwriting instruction and remediation.

  • Identify five effective treatment options for contemporary handwriting remediation.

Logo AOTA Approved Provider
Aspire OT is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development.
Course approval ID# 02979
This Distance Learning-Interactive course is offered at 0.20 CEUs (Beginner level, OT Service Delivery area)
The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.

What People Are Saying

I loved how functional, yet practical the concepts were. It was refreshing for a topic that I struggle with in our OT pediatric realm.
ot course participant
Honestly, this is one of the best handwriting courses I have taken...I would love to attend more presentations from this presenter
ot course participant
This course was organized, properly paced and easy to follow... The presenter provided both evidence and clinical experience to support the material presented.. I would highly recommend this course to both OTs and OTAs addressing handwriting skills with their clients's. Fantastic course!
I loved that the presenter showed so many actual treatment ideas throughout the presentation that I can automatically translate into my practice without further research needed 
Instructor bio
photo of Martha Garrett Theisen
Click the logo to view Martha's handwriting program
Martha Garrett Theisen, MA, OTR/LAspire OT Instructor

Martha Garrett Theisen, MA, OTRL is an occupational therapist with 40 years of experience. She worked in mental health for 6 years and over the past 34 years, her work has focused on pediatrics.

Though she loved her early work in Sensory Integration Clinics, Martha has devoted the bulk of her career, 24 years, to working in the school setting, helping children gain the fine motor, sensory motor, and handwriting skills they need to thrive in one of their main occupations of being a student.

She has utilized her knowledge and 40 years of experience to develop Because Neatness Matters, research and fun based handwriting programs for instruction and remediation.

She is SIPT certified and is a member of both the American Occupational Therapy Association & the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy.

Martha has been married for 37 years, is the proud mother of three wonderful adult children, two amazing daughters-in-law, 1 adorable grandson, and 2 mischievous cats!


Financial:  Martha is compensated as an Aspire OT instructor. Martha is also the owner of Because Neatness Matters. 

Non Financial:  Martha does not have any non-financial disclosures.

Martha would like to invite those interested to register on the BNM website to receive occasional updates and complimentary gifts throughout the year. Click here to join.
Completion Requirements
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In order to receive the certificate of completion, participants must meet ALL of the following criteria:
  • Payment of the course in full
  • Watch all videos for full duration
  • Pass course quiz with 80% or higher
  • Complete the Post Course Evaluation
Please note that no credit or certificate will be issued unless all criteria is met.  Partial credit will not be issued.  
cancellation policy
Live Courses and Webinars
Learner cancellations: In the event that the learner requests to cancel or is unable to attend a course, a refund for the total paid for the course will be granted if Aspire OT is notified via email at within 10 business days prior to date of the scheduled course, minus a non-refundable registration fee of 25% of registration price.  If the learner provides notification of cancellation less then 10 business days prior to the scheduled course, the learner will be offered the opportunity to attend the same webinar on an alternate date or enrollment in the recorded on-demand version of that webinar, instead of a refund.  

No refunds will be issued after a course has been attended for more than 30 minutes.  Partial credit will not be issued.  

Provider cancellations: 
In the event of inclement weather or other event resulting in the inability for a live course to be provided within the scheduled time, learners will be offered an alternate date or a full refund for registration paid.
On-Demand web Courses 
Web courses will remain available to learners for 1 year. No refunds will be available for web courses that have been attended or viewed for greater than 30 minutes. In the event of a refund, the learner will be unenrolled in the course immediately upon issuance of a refund. No refunds will be issued for any course in which a certificate has been issued.  

Course Author

Logo for Aspire OT, purple triangle with orange 3 point star and words “Aspire OT”
This occupational therapy continuing education course is being offered by Aspire OT.