NO ce credit is being offered for this course

Student Track: Current Student Panel for Tips and Tricks to Excel in OT/OTA School 

This course is discounted for TNOTA members.

Course Title: Goes Here

Self Paced Online Course
$10 ($5 for TNOTA Members) | No CE Credit

This course is created by the Tennessee Occupational Therapy Association.

If you need assistance or accommodations, please contact us at
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During this panel, students will have the opportunity to ask questions and get advice from current or recent students in OT/OTA school in order to excel in school. Topics discussed can be studying, fieldwork, school/life/work balance, and much more. 

Presented by: Rebecca Denton, OTS
Chapel Mason, OTS
Tanya McNamara, OTA
Lena Roll, OTS
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learning objectives
  • Articulate at least 3 tips for succeeding in OT/OTA school.
  • Will have had the opportunity to ask at least one question.
  • Will be able to articulate at least 1 way they will change their schooling habits based on this information. 
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Course Author

Logo for Tennessee Occupational Therapy Association with blue letters and graphic spell TNOTA
This occupational therapy continuing education course is being offered as part of Aspire OT's State Association Partnership Program. This course is discounted for TNOTA Members.