Niccole Rowe, BA, COTA/L, Coach & Founding Partner

Feeling stuck with a client? Try this!

image of wood with gold letters spelling "Coaching"
Non-compliant. Do you hear that word a lot at work being used to describe patients?
Do you see clients who aren't following therapy recommendations? Or even participating in therapy?
All OT practitioners face these challenges where we aren't quite getting through to a client. We use our therapeutic use of self. We educate. We may even plead, but feel like we aren't getting any where.
This is where using a coaching approach may be helpful so you can partner with the client to figure out how they want to do things. We have a lot of great knowledge as OT practitioners, but sometimes we get stuck on the idea that the client just has to be doing a task using a certain technique.
If we change our approach from implementing our own strategy to helping a client develop their own strategy by using coaching instead, it helps us partner with the client instead of being insistent on something the client may not prefer. As OT practitioners, we can support clients as they set the goals, find their own motivation, and work out strategies to help meet their personal goals. As an OTA in acute care, I use coaching to help clients feel less fearful when they are navigating changes to their health and ability to carry out their daily occupations. I ask what is important to them and take the time to listen to their ideas for problem solving the challenges as well as identifying what strengths the client has. I find it to be a very helpful approach for so many clients.

Interested in learning more about how to use this technique in your practice? We have two upcoming webinars to teach you the basics including how to you can use coaching in your practice the very next day!

Find them on our webinar page:

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Choosing Aspire OT for your CE needs means you are supporting other OT and OTA instructors as well as our partner Occupational Therapy Associations.  


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Coaching, JUST for OT Practitioners

As OT practitioners, we face a lot of challenges. Trying to juggle patient care, documentation, productivity and professional development can be a struggle. It is easy to lose sight of our “Big OT Dream”.  
Aspire OT Coaching is here to help you navigate the challenges and develop strategies to achieve your goals as an OT practitioner.