Handwriting Instruction and Remediation: Practical Implications for Today’s Pediatric Occupational Therapy Practitioner
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Handwriting Instruction and Remediation: Practical Implications for Today’s Pediatric Occupational Therapy Practitioner
LIVE Webinar
Thursday, February 20, 2025
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm (CDT)
8:00 pm - 10 pm (EDT)
2 Contact Hours, 0.20 CEUs
$40, AOTA Approved
In the past 25 years, significant changes have affected early education students, kindergarten through 2nd grade. One of the significant changes is the increase in academic expectations at younger ages, the explosion in technology, and the marked increase in students who are on the spectrum, students with attentional issues, and students with dysgraphia. The most common handwriting programs available today, developed in the late 1890s through the mid-1970s, fall short in this new era, leaving pediatric OT practitioners with less effective tools in their handwriting toolbox.
This introductory professional development activity addresses these academic, classroom, and student changes head on.
After taking this course, pediatric OT practitioners will understand the theoretical foundation for a new approach to handwriting instruction and remediation and will be armed with a new set of practical handwriting tools for present day therapeutic environments.
This CEU is targeted at occupational therapy assistants and occupational therapists.
This continuing education course uses the following instructional methods: visual aides (ie slides), discussion board, guided note taking, and learning.
Content disclosure: This course does not exclusively focus on any specific product or service.
Presented by:
Martha Garrett Theisen, MA, OTR/L
Martha Garrett Theisen, MA, OTR/L