“Don’t you wish you had gone straight into occupational therapy? Just think of where you would be now.”
Finding the value in my journey
Find the value in YOUR journey
I’m not special though. Every OT, OTA, and occupational therapy student brings their own perspectives and journeys. Those different journeys and perspectives benefit the clients that we serve, other OT practitioners, and our profession. Our profession is so much richer for the variety. We also can learn from each other.
For new grads and students, recognizing and affirming your unique contributions is so important! It is so easy to feel lost and lacking as you work to grow your skills and find your feet as an OT practitioner. I encourage you to take some time and reflect on your own steps that brought you to occupational therapy. Find those unique perspectives and skills that you have. Build your confidence in your abilities while also learning and growing in ways that make you a little scared and uncomfortable (in a good way).
See your value in being you.
Occupational therapy continuing education courses to help make your job easier.
Find courses that will provide you with practical strategies you can take straight to your OT practice.
Aspire OT is a different kind of CEU company, owned by an OT & OTA.
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Coaching, JUST for OT Practitioners!
Do you feel like you need more mentorship and feedback in your clinical practice?