Welcome !

Thanks you so much for becoming a Just for OT subscriber!
We have some helpful hints to get you started!

Kim and Niccole are so glad you are here. Let's get your started.

Look for more information in your email tomorrow too! Go ahead and add info@AspireOT.us to your contacts so you don't miss a thing.
  • You are already enrolled in everything!

    With your purchase, you are automatically enrolled in all our Aspire OT webinars and self-paced courses.
  • Does your state use CE Broker?

    Aspire OT reports to the following CE Broker states: Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Michigan, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
    You will need to set up your Aspire OT account for us to report your completions. You can find directions on how to do this here: https://www.aspireoted.com/help-cebroker
    We also have a FAQ section for CEBroker: https://www.aspireoted.com/faq-ce-broker 

    Automatic renewal

    Our Just for OT subscription automatically renews 1 year from your purchase. 

    You can cancel that renewal anytime. Here are directions for how to cancel: https://www.aspireoted.com/help-subscription-cancel

Have questions?

We are happy to help! You can shoot us an email at anytime.